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Serial Converter Entry TCC Port power RS-232 to RS-485 Moxa TCC-80I

Prezzo unitario € 96,65 € 117,913
Serial Converter Entry TCC Port power RS-232 to RS-485 Moxa TCC-80I è disponibile per l'acquisto in incrementi di 1
MOXA model TCC-80I. RS-232/422/485 Converter. Port Powered. 2.5 KV Isolation.

Serial Converter Entry TCC Port power RS-232 to RS-485 Moxa TCC-80I

Produttore MOXA
Art. 670010290
Part. N. TCC-80I

MOXA model TCC-80I. RS-232/422/485 Converter. Port Powered. 2.5 KV Isolation.

Panoramica del prodotto

Catalog Product Groupings: C2-Standalone Series
Serial Converter Entry TCC Port power RS-232 to RS-485
MOXA model TCC-80I. RS-232/422/485 Converter. Port Powered. 2.5 KV Isolation.
Port-powered RS-232 to RS-422/485 converter with 15 kV serial ESD protection, terminal block on the RS-422/485 side, and 2.5 kV optical isolation

Documenti tecnici

Scheda tecnica Serial Converter Entry TCC Port power RS-232 to RS-485 Moxa TCC-80I
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Scheda tecnica

Articolo 670010290
Marca MOXA
Manufacturer Part Number TCC-80I
Product Name Serial Converter Entry TCC Port power RS-232 to RS-485 Moxa TCC-80I
Short Description MOXA model TCC-80I. RS-232/422/485 Converter. Port Powered. 2.5 KV Isolation.
SKU 670010290
Datasheet moxa_tcc_80i_670010290
Tempo medio consegna (giorni calendario) 350
Paese di provenienza TW TWN TAIWAN
Ean Number TCC-80I
Codice TARIC 85176200
Unità di Misura di vendita Pezzo

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Scheda tecnica Serial Converter Entry TCC Port power RS-232 to RS-485 Moxa TCC-80I
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